Hey, Sacred Sister,

Do you feel ready to take a holistic approach to your health?

Then, you are ready to uncover the secrets of self-healing for your health and vitality.

I invite you to embrace seasonal Ayurvedic food and self-care to awaken your rejuvenation on a journey like no other.

Welcome to the Sacred Vitality Club – Where Your Journey to Wholeness Begins.

In today’s fast-paced world, genuine connection, deep healing, and personal growth are often overlooked in pursuing superficial health goals. But what if you could be part of a community that values the essence of true wellness, where every step towards vitality is celebrated, and your journey to wholeness is honoured? It’s time to embrace a deeper level of healing and cultivate confidence in your self-care practices.

Why Choose The Summer Sacred Vitality Club

This summer, don’t let another year go by feeling stuck. Embrace the opportunity to listen to your body, destress and practice Ayurveda, and find the middle ground that leads to lasting vitality and wellness.

  • Embark on a Transformative Path: We provide tailored guidance to align with your individual needs, ensuring a deeply personal journey of discovery and growth.
  • Our Holistic Ayurvedic Club: A comprehensive program that integrates health coaching, Ayurvedic food, embodiment, mindfulness and yoga to promote infinite balance and vitality from within.
  • More Than Just Wellness – A Sisterhood: Are you ready to move beyond the surface-level approaches that dominate the wellness industry? Do you crave something more meaningful that speaks to the core of who you are and who you wish to become? The Sacred Vitality Club is your gateway to a life of enriched health and profound self-discovery.
  • Sustainable Practices: Learn sustainable wellness practices to integrate into your daily life, promoting long-lasting health and aliveness.


Sacred Vitality Club Summer

What Awaits You:

  • Connection: Forge genuine bonds with like-minded individuals who support and uplift each other.
  • Healing Circles: Participate in moon manifestation circles that foster deep healing and an unwavering sense of belonging.
  • Holistic Practices: Explore and integrate holistic wellness practices that nurture mind, body, and spirit.
  • Empowerment: Empower yourself with knowledge and tools to confidently take charge of your health and wellbeing.
  • Transformation: Witness and partake in profound personal transformation within a supportive community.

How Ayurveda Can Transform Your Life

Ayurveda is more than just a medical system; it's a way of life. It teaches us to live in tune with nature and to understand our unique constitution or 'dosha.' By aligning our lifestyle, diet, and mindset with our dosha, we unlock the door to optimal health, vitality, and peace of mind.

This Ancient Wisdom Practises Will:

Personalised Your Health Blueprint: Discover your unique dosha and how it influences your health, preferences, and tendencies. Ayurveda offers tailored solutions that align with your individual constitution, providing a customised approach to diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

Natural Healing: Harnessing the potent power of natural herbs, dietary adjustments, and holistic practices, Ayurveda addresses the root cause of ailments—not just the symptoms. It empowers your body's innate healing mechanism, promoting long-term wellness.

Mind-Body Harmony: Ayurveda recognises the inseparable link between the mind and the body. It offers practices like meditation, yoga, and pranayama (breath control) to reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and elevate your overall quality of life.

Preventive Care: Ayurveda is proactive, not reactive. It emphasizes disease prevention through daily routines (dinacharya), seasonal routines (ritucharya), and a balanced lifestyle, helping you maintain health and vitality through all stages of life.


The Sacred Vitality Club Summer

We recognize the challenges of staying balanced on this wellness journey. The fear of falling off the wagon is real — but what's more important is the community that helps you get back on. That's why we've introduced a weekly Monday motivation thread and bi-weekly inspirational calls. These pillars are designed to keep you growing, inspired, and above all, connected.



As a conscious mama myself, I understand the journey of navigating through endless diets, searching for one that not only works but feels sustainable and fulfilling. The quest for long-term happiness and health can often feel like a maze with no exit. That was my reality until Ayurveda illuminated the path.

Ready to Show Up for Yourself:
Forget the pressure to fit a specific mould or dress a particular way. Here, it's okay to show up in a sweatshirt, embracing the real, unfiltered version of yourself. You've found your tribe of sisters where you are accepted, seen, and supported.

Transform in 12 Weeks:
Envision yourself more secure, less burdened by past identities, with an open heart ready to heal and brimming with self-confidence. That's not just a dream; it's a tangible reality we strive for in the Sacred Vitality Club.

You're in the right place!

Join the




I'm ready. Let's go!











Each session leaves me feeling as though layers of old karma are being peeled away, allowing me to embrace a newfound sense of peace and rest.

What truly stands out for me is the feeling of being well-guided through the meditations. It's as if I'm being gently led by an inner light, guiding me towards a place of greater silence and contentment within myself. The Sacred Vitality Club has offered me a beautiful space to heal, grow, and transform, and for that, I am grateful.


The Sacred Vitality Club

Results in 3 Core Ways

Ayurveda Made Practical & Simple

At the Sacred Vitality Club, we strive to simplify Ayurvedic wisdom, making it accessible for everyone. Our goal is to empower you to confidently integrate these practices into your daily life, regardless of your prior knowledge of Ayurveda. Join us and discover a wealth of knowledge during our time together.

Get Laser Focused On Healthy Habits

Join our bi-weekly calls to stay aligned with your health goals. The calls are an invitation to show up for yourself in a new way. Experience the power of our monthly gatherings during the sacred full moon and new moon circles, where you can amplify your intentions, dream big, and contribute to the collective healing.

Seasonal Wisdom

At the heart of our club lies the essence of conscious living. We understand that the external world influences our internal well-being. Discover how to regain balance and harmony by embracing your nature, how to live seasonally with a cyclical approach to lifestyle that aligns you with the natural flow of life. Join us and learn to live in harmony with the world around you.


Here is a sneak peak!

Embark on a transformative 12-week journey designed to elevate the quality of your mind, body, and spirit. The Sacred Vitality Club offers a unique pathway to harmonise your daily life with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, seamlessly integrating self-healing practices into every aspect of your being.

  • Master Ayurvedic Habits: Learn and implement habits that improve your overall well-being, embracing the change of seasons with grace and understanding how Ayurveda can become an integral part of your everyday life.
  • Balance Doshas & Increase Ojas: Dive deep into Ayurvedic cleansing practices tailored to balance your doshas and enhance ojas, the essence of vitality that promotes health, strength, and immunity.
  • Regulate Your Nervous System Through Food: Discover the power of food not just as nourishment but as medicine that can soothe and stabilise your nervous system, fostering a state of calm and resilience.
  • Craft Personal Self-Care Rituals: Learn how to create personalized self-care rituals that resonate with your soul, offering profound healing and rejuvenation on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.
  • Embrace Ease and Abundance: Shift your perspective to welcome ease and abundance into your life, recognizing the flow of prosperity and well-being as your natural state.
  • Unleash the Energy of Purna: Tap into the energy of Purna, embodying the fullness and completeness of your being, enriched by the wisdom of Ayurveda.
  • Harness Primal Habits: Incorporate primal habits into your routine that align with your inner nature, and take a holistic approach that manages your spiritual and physical wellbeing. This reduces inflammation, stress and autoimmune system disorders.
  • Harmonise with the Rhythms of Life: Learn to live in harmony with the natural rhythms of life, understanding the cyclic patterns that influence our well-being and how to navigate them with grace.

By the end of the 12 weeks, you will have the habits to improve the quality of your mind, body and spirit, embrace the season, and, oh yeah, understand how Ayurveda can help you thrive on a daily basis!


I've learned to tune into my higher self, navigating away from the endless stream of thoughts that once kept me feeling small and unequal. This program has equipped me with practical tools and practices, such as the use of mantras, which have become my sanctuary during times of stress. It's empowering to know I have these practices in place, ready to guide me back to my centre whenever I need them — it's as if I've been handed the keys to a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life."

—Jai A.

What's Inside...

  • 1:1 Consultation (to be used anytime during the program.)
  • Bi-weekly Group Health Coaching Calls
  • Manifestation Moon Circles - Each New & Full Moon Connecting To Pacha Mama & The Luna Cycles
  • Pre-recorded 10 Sacred Habits To Ignite & Blossom
  • Group Support Throughout The Entire 12-week Program
  • Ayurvedic Seasonal Guidance To Balance Your Mind, Body & Spirit
  • Ayurvedic Seasonal Vitality Cleanse
  • Sacred Habits To Evolve Your Habits
  • A Personalised Doshic Meal Plan
  • Self-Care Practises & Yoga Videos To Support The Process
  • Meditation Guidance On How To Live A More Stress-Free & Conscious Life
  • A Dynamic Community


9 June - 1 Sept, 2024


  • Feeling unmotivated and confused about Ayurveda
  • Constantly hopping from wellness program to wellness program
  • Feeling stuck & stagnant


  • A roadmap on what practices will work for you!
  • Trusting your own intuition and knowing what you need.
  • Enjoying the weekly accountability and holistic minded community.

What Makes This Different

From Everything You've

Tried Before

You're all about..

health habits that you can SUSTAIN, not a flash in the pain trend that you'll eventually quit.

Your not about...

Quick fixes. You've been there done that and want something that will help you deepen your inner wisdom.

You believe that...

Doing more is not always the answer. You're ready to shift your self-care, workout, and spiritual practices to help you feel aligned to your intuition.

I'm Amrita, your dedicated specialist in hormonal and gut health, guiding you with the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.

My formal education in Ayurveda began at Yoga Veda, where I graduated in 2019 as an Ayurvedic Practitioner. I furthered my expertise by becoming a 450 HR AyurYoga Teacher and completing the Ayurvedic Sacred Postpartum Doula program through the Sacred Window School. Since 2022, I've honed my focus on women's health, striving to support others through their unique wellness journeys.

Beyond Ayurveda and yoga, my world is filled with joy from cooking, occasional romcoms, reading and savouring my morning lattes. I'm an adventurer at heart, exploring mountains and beaches worldwide with my beloved husband and three children.

My work has been featured in Oso Major retreat recipe books and Om Magazine, where I've shared insights and inspirations for smart, conscious mamas seeking a deeper connection to wellness and self-care.

Join me in the Sacred Vitality Club, where we embark on a journey to wellness grounded in the timeless practices of Ayurveda. Together, we'll explore the power of plant-based nourishment, rituals for self-healing, and the art of living in tune with your body's needs. Let's unlock the door to a life of balance, health, and vitality.


When you sign up for

Sacred Vitality Club Spring

you're getting...

1:1 Consultation Support

Let´s track whilst we implement the practices and get expert guidance to know what will work for you. I often will design a specific meal plan and Ayurvedic practices to fit your doshic needs and health goals.

At-Home Vitality Cleanse

You will get to attend the Vitality Cleanse as part of the program. This is your kick-start program to get you into the habits of self-healing, eating right and feeling great! So, in the first 21 days, you will have a transformative experience in the club.

Our Live & Pre-Recorded Sacred Habits

Join us build the balancing practices to help you thrive. Come to live coaching calls or catch the recording. You will find a whole platform tailored to give you the inspiration you need each day!

Monthly New & Full Moon Circles

In our intentional sacred space make time for you twice each month. Align with the cosmic energies during our gatherings. Reenergise and plant new seeds or weed out what isn't serving you and manifest what's waiting for your highest good.


Common Qs and As:

I've been in the Club before is it the same material?

Nope. Every season is different. To help you really embody the practices we do each month.

What if I can't make the live coaching calls?

All coaching calls and workouts will be recorded and uploaded the day of the event. You can watch them later that day at a time convenient for you.

How long do we have access to the material?

You will have access to the membership portal until June 1st, 2024.

How much time will I need to devote to the program?

We advise you to set aside time in your routine, which might be from 5-60 minutes a day, depending on your experience with Ayurvedic practices.

What do we talk about on the 1:1 coaching calls?

As far as topics you get to decide! They can be around the course material, seasonal practices, or they could be about reducing PMS, getting rid of constipation, or how to reduce insomnia. You get to decide what is most supportive for you to work on.

What if I don't know very much about Ayurveda?

This is the perfect program to start with! I will go over the basics of what you need to know as we transition the Spring season.

The 1:1 calls can be used to implement your specific strategies and needs.

What if I can't attend the in-person retreat?

You can gift a friend or roll over till next year when you can attend the retreat.

Will the yoga practices be friendly towards all levels & abilities?

Yes! I've been a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher for 20 years and always give modifications for all movements.

The yoga practice is all about calming down the seasonal needs related to the nervous system. We advise you to have a bolsters or pillows, blankets, and some yoga blocks.


I'm ready. Let's go!


Get started for £230!




Get started for £300!



Get started for £888!




This is for you if...

You’re in the right place if...

You’ve looked for guidance from numerous practitioners and coaches, yet you still feel like you are not living optimal health and vitality.

You’re a busy woman, working, managing home life and you are alway telling yourself you will finally put yourself first but you never do.

You experience digestive and hormonal issues, headaches, insomnia, bloating and possibly have some perimenopausal symptoms, you are finding it hard to control what your menstral cycle is doing and you are starting to worry how it may affect your long-term health.

You are peri-menopausal or in menopause, and even though you have friends slapping on the HRT, you want to try a different approach and balance your hormones and support this transition differently.

You are finding the ageing process difficult; you know “you are what you eat” but you don’t really know where to begin and how to experience longevity and youth into your old age.

You have heard of eating seasonally for your dosha and how it can support you, but you haven’t yet committed to the process and feel now is a good time to try.

You have PMS, fertility issues, and cycle irregularities, and you’ve tried creams and treatments but nothing is working.

You are finally ready to embrace a holistic and conscious lifestyle, and you know getting support and guidance will be hugely helpful.

You are no longer content with blindly following protocols and plans, you crave a deeper understanding of the WHY behind the WHAT you're asked to do.


You’re in the wrong place if...

You're not ready for a transformative journey towards holistic well-being.

Quick fixes and one-size-fits-all solutions are what you're seeking.

Personalised approaches and the power of Ayurvedic wisdom don't resonate with you.

You're not open to embracing the connection between mind, body, and the choices you make.

The idea of using food as medicine and learning the art of Ayurvedic cooking doesn't excite you.

You're not interested in breaking free from the cycle of stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal imbalances.

Real results backed by the latest scientific research and ancient wisdom aren't what you're looking for.

You're comfortable with the status quo and not ready to invest in your own well-being.

A community of like-minded individuals supporting each other on a transformative journey doesn't appeal to you.

You believe that true health and vitality can be achieved without understanding and addressing the root causes.


Here's exactly what our customers are saying

Are you tired of feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and crushed by society's expectations? Liberate yourself and embrace a life of authenticity. Scholarships of 75% are available. We recognise the systemic barriers that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour), non-binary individuals and those facing hardships may encounter on their paths to wellness. Fill out the form and we will get back to you.

The Sacred Vitality Club awaits you. Join us as we dive into holistic wellness, nurturing mind, body, and spirit together. Let's embark on a journey of healing, empowerment, and profound transformation.