Moon Manifestation Circle

New & Full Moon Circles for YOUR Thrive!

Monthly online gatherings to harness the energy of the moon
and unleash your divine power

Upcoming Virtual Circles

Join Us Every New & Full Moon

April Moon Circle

Sunday 7 & 21 April - 5pm Madrid, 11 am NYC, 8 am LA

May Moon Circle

Sunday 5 & 19 May - 5pm Madrid, 11 am NYC, 8 am LA

June Moon Circle

Sunday 3 & 23 June - 5pm Madrid, 11 am NYC, 8 am LA


Moon Circle

Sunday 7 & 21 July - 5pm Madrid, 11 am NYC, 8 am LA

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What is a Virtual Moon Circle?

The lunar orb is a definitive emblem of femininity. Its cyclical character and capacity to embrace both brightness and obscurity acknowledges certain aspects of womanhood. It is venerable, esoteric and united to a greater entity – much like you, me and all other creatures on Earth.This is why rituals around new and full moons are increasing in popularity, since the feminine is growing in strength and many women are recognizing the blessings the feminine carries.

In this online space, we come together in a safe and sacred way to let go of what no longer serves us, and to reclaim our power by exploring transformational themes inspired by the astrological energies of the moon. We bond in sisterhood through meaningful conversations and rituals.

Full Moon

Come join us for the New Moon Manifestation Circle Gathering and reconnect with your inner healer! Our sacred space will serve as a platform for reflection and envisioning what could be. Through this gathering, we will let go of what no longer aligns with us and open up to a new world of possibilities. With the energy of the New Moon, you will be able to heal your thoughts and create the BIG LOVE life of your dreams. If you’re looking for more time to dream, create and tune-in to self-love, to gain more intimacy, this gathering is perfect for you. Don’t miss out, book your spot today!.

New Moon

The Moon Manifestation Circle Gathering is the perfect way to connect with your inner healer. We will create a sacred space for thinking and seeing things fresh and new during this gathering. We will release what no longer serves us and open ourselves to new possibilities. This is a unique opportunity to work with the energy of the New Moon in Aries to heal your thought and start afresh for what you want to create in your life. If you seek more time to dream big, have more self-love, or have more intimacy, this gathering is for you. Book here

What to Expect


We arrive on time and set up a safe and sacred space for the circle.


We talk about the lessons of this month’s moon theme and start to activate energy within ourselves.


We create potent questions to dive deep into the theme and relate it to your own life. We share in circle to be witnessed and come to understand that we are not alone.


We embody the theme through music and dance, free to turn off the camera or leave it on to be fully self-expressed.


We create a transformational experience through various activities to embody the theme.


We close sacred space and receive the medicine from circle and the sisterhood.

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Who It’s For

Who’s holding you as you hold everyone else?

As you are a natural caregivers, taking care of those around us, whether that is family, friends, colleagues, or clients.

This is your safe and sacred space to let your hair down and be seen as your true authentic self. Come in your PJs with your makeup off; the circle accepts you just as you are.

This circle is for any person who wants to step into their leadership, whether that is with family, community, or the world at large.

You need a place to:

  • Refill your cup for all that you are giving to others
  • Be seen in your vulnerability to release what’s blocking you and reclaim your power
  • Feel the full range to stretch your capacity to hold space
  • Connect in sacred sisterhood with other like-minded women on the same path

What Makes Moon Manifesting Circle Different?

Integration of Masculine and Feminine

Sometimes, circles can appear to be overly “woo”. We believe that the balance of both masculine and feminine energies are essential, much like a glass cup holds water. The cup is the masculine, the container, providing, and containing the feminine. The water is the feminine. Without the cup, the water would be unable to remain, either seeping or evaporating. A powerful circle experience that is safe and sacred requires both constraint and fluidity.

Experiential and Embodied

All members must actively take part in order for the circle to exist. This implies that the circle is not a place where one can be distracted while doing other tasks at the same time. Everyone must be completely present, engaging, interacting, and participating in the ceremonies together.


We believe that when each person who shows up courageous – bold, responsible, authentic, vulnerable and empathetic – the circle then becomes safe. We don’t play it safe, holding back, waiting for someone else to give us permission. We step into our power and engage with the circle, knowing it is a reflection of who we are being and what we are doing.

Co-Creative Leadership

Our leadership model is based on co-creation, which means we believe each person in the circle is a leader and has something to contribute to the whole. We are each a spoke on the wheel, and the wheel only turns when each spoke is functioning. Many times, we ask participants to lead various sections. This is the new model where we value each other’s strengths and celebrate each other’s magic.


About Us

Ayurveda Anytime is a health consultancy service, products and eLearning platform geared towards nourishment from an Ayurvedic perspective. We are wholehearted beings who flourish when wellbeing and living in balance with nature are embodied.

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Amrita Ma Devi Isle Balearic Spain

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