Elevate Your Energy. Align, Connect & Heal! One to One Coaching

Ayurvedic wisdom treats the person as an individual. We believe that any treatment plan for healing is integrated. Ayurveda is a Self-healing practice which means it is complementary and works well with traditional medical care. Creating transformation from sickness to radiant health is achieved through balancing the body with peace of mind. And seeks harmony with that of its environment parts.

What are the benefits of Ayurveda?

As a healing system, there are many benefits to Ayurveda. This includes strengthening immunity, preventing disease pathology, improving the digestive capacity, and eliminating waste. It can nourish the nervous system, thereby reducing anxiety and stress.

Ayurveda can strengthen bones and encourage healthy nails and hair. People also experience improvement in their ability to sleep easily and deeply and overall improvement in a sense of well-being and balance.

What does a typical Ayurveda session look like?

Your initial consultations usually last an hour or more. You will likely be asked about your diet, lifestyle, and mental and emotional states. You may also be asked for a detailed medical history before our session begins. The practitioner may check pulse and tongue readings if we have the session in person.

The analysis will help diagnose the root cause of your dosha imbalance and allow the practitioner to create a treatment plan specifically designed for you. Treatment plans may include advice on an optimal diet, daily routine, seasonal routine, exercise regimen, herbal supplements, massage, meditations, or counseling over a three or six-month time frame.

We may also prescribe some common cleansing treatments often used in Ayurveda for cleansing the body to reduce toxic materials left by poor nutrition and disease. Self-massage, daily foot and head massage with warm liquid on the forehead, for diseases connected with the eye, nose, nervous system, head, and neck. Nasya – cleaning out the nose with medicated powders or liquids to clear the channels in the head and neck.

Along with diet and lifestyle, herbs, gems, and yoga are ancient practices from the Vedic culture. That has been proven to assist the body and mind to come back to a state of equilibrium.

In modern life, energy can get blocked due to poor lifestyle choices. In our session, we will be reminded of the body temple which is yours alone to tend. Your body is the only vessel that will be with you from the moment you’re born until the moment you die. It is your one and only true home in which you receive others and partake in the joys and sorrows of the world.

Ayurveda will connect you to feelings of wholeness. As we align to the circadian cycles of nature and find a greater sense of the word balanced. And alignment of the element in our body with the five elements: Jala (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air), and akasha (space) in a harmonious way.

Ayurveda looks at wellness not as “the absence of disease”, but instead, when all bodily tissues, organs, systems, and functions are connected together we can feel optimal health. Ayurveda teaches us that by aligning, connecting, and balancing the various mind-body functions, the natural intelligence of the body will automatically bring itself to wellness. This is a sacred act of honoring the life you have been given.

The imbalance of the dhatus is a disease that is known as unhappiness; their balance is health which is known as happiness. The remedy for all disorders is the balanced use of knowledge, materials and time.

~ Charaka Samhita (the foundational text of Ayurveda)

Lets meet and connect

How would you like someone on your side rooting for you to transform your habits around health?

Let me be your guide and partner whilst making diet and lifestyle changes. I know I much easier it is to make difficult changes with someone else ready to make me accountable. If that’s you too… Let’s begin. I know how important it is to find the right guide so first let’s meet. We will get a clearer picture about your health issues, what background, present state of body/mind, and current routines you have.

Your follow up will be an Initial Consultation of 90 minutes. Or the cleanse, a meal program. Or something ideal for your needs.

Select a date in our calendar which suit you and let’s connect.

Our Initial Consultation

We will discuss your Prakriti (individual nature) and Vikriti (present state of imbalance). In this session, we will begin to see what qualities may be diminished in your present state, while other qualities may be in excess. I will offer diet and lifestyle suggestions to restore harmony to your body/mind and soul so you start feeling greater health and happiness.

You will feel supported and excited to integrate these simple tweeks into your daily self care rituals. But Ayurveda is a practice to be integrated over a lifetime, so we begin by focusing on a few habits that are most likely effective to bring harmony & balance considering season and stage of life. Ayurveda is a common sense approach to life’s routines so with self-awareness you will easily awaken to find your own inner intelligence that supports, remedies and channels your purpose.

Select a date in our calendar which suit you and let’s connect.

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About Us

Ayurveda Anytime is a health consultancy service, products and eLearning platform geared towards nourishment from an Ayurvedic perspective. We are wholehearted beings who flourish when wellbeing and living in balance with nature are embodied.

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Amrita Ma Devi Isle Balearic Spain

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